About Frequency One

Get to Know Frequency One Fest™
The Mission and Message of Frequency One is this: A music and holistic healing fest to gather and camp in community to awaken and elevate in a retreat meets festival experience.
One Love. We are One Frequency. We come together regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender, and political differences. We hold space as community. Frequency One. That is what you can hold us accountable to.
Emily Thompson, Festival Director, created the vision after attending a festival called in 2019. She had found herself at a crossroad, when met with burnout in her Nursing Leadership career and searching for a deeper purpose in her life.
As a college graduate (Registered Nurse) she never imagined finding a new path by sitting in the grass listening to music but that was where she was transformed more than anywhere else.
She realized in 2019, the people of her community needed to experience what she had, especially since she lived in the very place known as "Destination Medical Center," Rochester, Minnesota.
She set out to learn everything about holistic healing which led to opening her own healing practice known to be, Waves Sacred Healing. She traveled and created many friendships in the festival community.
The dream evolved and began seeing fruition in the since Spring 2022 with hosting 14 people in her own living room. Since that initial event, the growth sent her to a friend's back yard, then anothers large front yard, to Pine Island in 2023 for a Spring Day festival at a Wedding Venue. It was that event, with the help of her partner, Eric Fitzpatrick, that this festival was growing into more than ever imagined. Last July 2024, Frequency One Fest was officially planted as a Weekend Camping Retreat meets Music Fest.
With great success, the manifesto has continued and for 2025 there will now be a third day to Rochester's FIRST (and only so far) Camping Music Fest. We enjoyed the land we were able to begin with in 2024, however, this journey continues to grow towards alignment and now have secured another spot on 150 acres.
Frequency One Fest™, L.L.C. was officially registered as a business in December 2023 and all the wheels of motion then began with a dedicated team, they will bring a magical experience that will continue to grow as they go.